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Futon Pillow -A Made-in-Japan Fluffy Pillow

A washable triple-layered pillow made from recycled down, which helps you have a sound night sleep and wake up feeling stress-free! Using a special triple-layered structure, with a top pillow of down, a support sheet, and a cotton pillow as a base, you'll be resting easy as it supports you all through the night! The Down pillow envelopes you, while the support sheet helps to keep the body from sinking too far in while distributing the burden, and the cotton pillow supports your body weight.

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A triple-layered structure solves the problems faced by normal pillows!


Normal down pillows tend to squish easier, as the head focuses on one spot, which means that while you’re sleeping, there tends to be a strain on the body. Because of this, the creators have created their own design and specifications for a pillow. With a top down pillow, a middle support sheet, and a bottom cotton pillow, your body will be enveloped in comfort while being supported as well!


Utilises recycled down!


The Futon Pillow that is being made is done so by using this recycled down as the creators wish to bring it to the wider attention of people! From the cleaning of the down to the filling of the inner, and the finishing sewing last touches, each pillow is made by skilled Japanese craftsmen.

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